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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What are the lessons that you learned after reading the commencement address of Steve Jobs?

The first thing strikes into my mind about the commencement address of Steve Jobs is that it is very special. it is very historical that everyone must see and be amaze of it. Every word is meaningful as he heartily deliver it.

I learned that in every seconds of our lives should be spend according to what we want and what we used to. To follow other's desire is just a waste of time. We should consider the things that may do best in our lives beyond thousand doubts. We need to gamble things that may even makes us at worst and learn it as an experience to be strong personaly.

My favorite line about that commencement address is " Your already naked, There's no reason not to follow your heart." I was kinda amaze of that line and I was stunned by a second. I mean, I admit that I always obey and follow whatever other's want to because I'm kinda passive person but its just I realize in having a passive personality do nothing about my life .

Mistakes do nothing about our lives but the achievements comes a very important role. We don't need to show how great person we are but how we humbly show the things we've done

My purpose in life is ......

My purpose in life is to achieve my dreams and be an inspiration to other.. The real way to get happiness is by giving happiness to other people ..